
To become a trader you only need a few steps until your Signal can be published on the Investor’s Website, here are the steps:
Estimated time from registration to completion 3 minutes
Go to sp.sofinx.com

Please register or login on the sp.sofinx.com website to start becoming a trader.
Add Your Signal

Please register or login on the sp.sofinx.com website to start becoming a trader.

Confirm your signals to be published on the investor website investor.metacopytrade.com
Making profit as an investor is very easy, just open an account, deposit and choose the trader you want to follow, here are the details:
Estimated time from registration to completion 3 minutes
Go to investor.metacopytrade.com

Please visit the website investor.metacopytrade.com and register for free.
Make a Deposit

To be able to start following Traders, you’ll need to make a deposit into your investor account.
Start Copying and Earn Profit

If your account is successfully connected to the Trader, you can simply monitor the My Robots menu to see the running or closed trades.